
"There is nothing to do. Just be. Do nothing. Be. No climbing mountains and sitting in caves. I do not even say: ‘be yourself’, since you do not know yourself. Just be. Having seen that you are neither the ‘outer’ world of perceivables, not the ‘inner’ world of thinkables, that you are neither body nor mind, just be."
— Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj


“My task, which I am trying to achieve is, by the power of the written word, to make you hear, to make you feel—it is, before all, to make you see.”
— Joseph Conrad


“Better to be an animal than a man, an insect than an animal, a plant than an insect, and so on. Salvation? Whatever diminishes the kingdom of consciousness and compromises its supremacy.”
— Emil Cioran


But luxury has never appealed to me, I like simple things, books, being alone, or with somebody who understands.
Daphne du Maurier


"The fundamental problem of political philosophy is still precisely the one that Spinoza saw so clearly (and that Wilhelm Reich rediscovered): Why do men fight for their servitude as stubbornly as though it were their salvation?"
— Gilles Deleuze 


Love is always unconditional upon condition that one does not take hate to be an indicator of love’s conditionality.


Menilike          Gorgeousselfie          GoodWood
Obsessionality is the ‘normal’ response to the inevitable, ongoing encounter between reason and the unreasonable real.


"So blank and so bizarre would be the human life that tried to live outside belief in belief." - Anne Carson, from Autobiography Of Red


Religion is a response to the primal experience of anxiety (or Hilflosigkeit, helplessness) when faced with the real.


"Just as early industrial capitalism moved the focus of existence from being to having, post-industrial culture has moved that focus from having to appearing."
- Guy Debord, The Society of the Spectacle


"When life leaves us blind, love keeps us kind."
Chester Bennington


There is a difference between the sexes, but that is as much as can be said about it. For neurotics, what is elaborated in response to that difference is also symptomatic. That is to say that what is “naturally” elaborated is always about sustaining or destroying a fantasy which might otherwise render sexual difference into a difference of compatibility.


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"What I like to drink most is wine that belongs to others."


Will I be something? Am I something?
And the answer comes:
You already are.
You always were.
And you still have time to be.”

—   Anis Mojgani 

quoth the madman

"It is the sign of a great mind to dislike greatness, and to prefer things in measure to things in excess."
~Seneca the Younger



Don’t stop…

"To become imperceptible to oneself, to have dismantled love in order to become capable of loving. To have dismantled one’s self in order finally to be alone and meet the true double at the other end of the line. A clandestine passenger on a motionless voyage. To become like everybody else; but this, precisely, is a becoming only for one who knows how to be nobody, to no longer be anybody. To pain oneself gray on gray."
— Gilles Deleuze, Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia


“Melancholy people have two reasons for being so: they don’t know or they hope.”
— Albert Camus, “The Absurd Man”


“Just because there’s an end doesn’t mean existence has meaning. An end point is simply set up as a temporary market, or perhaps as an indirect metaphor for the fleeting nature of existence.”
— Haruki Murakami, What I Talk About When I Talk About Running

quoth the madman

"Intellectual despair results in neither weakness nor dreams, but in violence. It is only a matter of knowing how to give vent to one’s rage; whether one only wants to wander like madmen around prisons, or whether one wants to overturn them."
— Georges Bataille


“When people pass away, do their thoughts just vanish?”
— Haruki Murakami