ars poetica

“Reblogging the pictures of mature men that make my Hardbeercan cock swell up and shoot a load of #hotcum!

Have you had enough darkness yet?
No, I haven’t had enough darkness.
Have you had enough fire?

Enough wind and rain?
Enough black ink?
Ask me again, later.

Have you had enough sugar?
Enough salt? No.

I haven’t had enough salt.
Are you finished with wringing your hands?

Finished with spiders and silks
And creatures of glamour?
Probably not.

Winsome looks?
Pity? Never.

I feel pity right now
For everyone who got broken,
Including me. Pity feels

Like a sore and swollen heart
Leaking blood and tears
So hot they sting.

Imagine that. Stay there.
Have you had enough wind?
No. Enough earth? No.

Enough water? No, not nearly enough.
Enough dirt to walk on?
No. Never, never.

~Irene McKinney

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