l'appel du vide

“ Sir likes to try new things.

"Whatever is profound loves masks; what is most profound even hates image and parable. Might not nothing less than the opposite be the proper disguise for the shame of a god? A questionable question; it would be odd if some mystic had not risked something to that effect in his mind. There are occurrences of such a delicate nature that one does well to cover them up with some rudeness to conceal them; there are actions of love and extravagant generosity after which nothing is more advisable than to take a stick and and give any eyewitness a sound thrashing: that would muddle his memory. Some know how to muddle and abuse their own memory in order to have their revenge at least against this only witness: shame is inventive."

 - Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, S. 40, p. 50.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I fucking LOVE these Mormon Boyz videos.